Before taking prescreen or donating, individuals must:
Refrain from taking antibiotics 72 hours in advance.
Refrain from taking aspirin, ibuprofen, green tea products, or any other supplements that can act as blood thinners 48 hours in advance.
You can call 713.792.7777 to set up a pre-screen and qualification appointment at either the Mays Clinic (1220 Holcombe, Entrance #5, 2nd Floor near Elevator S, closed on weekends) or at Holly Hall (2555 Holly Hall, just east of Almeda, open 7 days a week). You will need to reference the patient’s name and medical record number ( Robert Toon, MR# 772497). You should then be contacted within 24 hours of your screening to let you know whether or not you qualified.
If you qualify, please call or text the family coordinator (Stephanie Toon, 501-554-3837) so she can schedule a time for an additional west nile virus a pre-screen medication pick up (Holly Hall). You will a receive a shot of Neupogen that you will take home and administered at 8:00pm the night before you donate. This will stimulate your white cell growth. It’s a very small needle and a very small amount of fluid. The following morning you will go to Holly Hall at 8:00am to make your donation. This process will take approximately 2-3 hours.
I know this process is a little involved and I appreciate your effort. At this point, I have no way of fighting off infections while I’m waiting for my next transplant and any edge you can give me is a huge plus. Thank you.
Rob Toon