Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 11

White count still a big fat goose egg! Nobody seems to be concerned with this yet so i'm not going to waste my time worrying either. In fact, had to have two units of blood today, so the docs must hit me up with some pretty strong chemo. this is a good thing, because it just means that its that much more likely that they were able to kill off all of the cancer cells. still won't know for a while, but hoping to see at least some white cell activity within the next three days. mom stopped by to hang out for a couple of hours today. went to bed at midnight last night, got up at 7, then was knocked out again for blood, didn't get up again until 1pm. good sleep time. my back is no longer rejecting this funky mattress. feeling pretty dang good. only downside now is my mouth and throat, which feel like they will combust from the friction of swallowing. the pain is definitely manageable except for when eating. have lost 16 pounds since being admitted, which is by no means a bad thing. okay, that's pretty much it! take care.

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