Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 19

Sorry for missing a day or so. I like to enjoy the weekends, too, even though every day is exactly the same. So still 0 white count. Today the doctor did mention that although there was no need to be too concerned unless we get up to 28 without anything, but in an effort to be proactive, they are going to do another bone marrow biopsy(#18? maybe?) tomorrow and check things out, and if necessary, they're going to contact my donor and try to harvest more stem cells. it was explained to me the sometimes it can simply be a matter of quantity, and i'm not the smallest guy around. that's the main reason why cord blood is usually not used for adult transplants... not enough. so i'll admit that i was a little caught off guard by the news. my efforts to stay optimistic usually involve a good deal of denial, and so if i'm not producing any white cells right now, i'm pretty much dependent on this hospital to keep me alive with no ability to fight infection. this freaked me out a little, but then the doc came back and explained that there's no reason to fret just yet, that my protoplasm levels and overall health was one of the main factors at play here, and that they were doing just fine. this may involve a longer stay, which isn't the greatest news, but is perfectly alright with me at this point. so i'm sure all the worry warts will worry, and you that pray will pray, but don't lose your head and i won't lose mine and we'll all be alright here, alright? ok more info to follow later. take care.


  1. well its Tuesday, so I know your day is starting off right. I am a worriful prayer so I will do that and I will call and talk crazy later.

  2. Hey : )

    Praying for ya bro. Thanks for keeping everyone in the loop. Hope you get some interesting things to do while you hang out in the hospital all day. Expecting good things,

  3. thanks, mampness. no crazy talk to me though. thanks jacqueline. i appreciate the thoughts. i'm not an expecting good things person, per say, but i'm sure that everything will be alright one way or the other. gb
