Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 21

Okay, so to recap and elaborate a bit on my last post... after i put it up, the next day my primary doc here (as opposed to the rounding docs i usually see) came for a visit and explained that he thinks that the issue was, in fact, quantity. he doesn't think they harvested enough stem cells to reach a breakpoint level where they could have a chance of engrafting. i had a bone marrow biopsy number 19 or 20 yesterday(one of the least painful yet) just so they could take a look and get an idea of what is or isn't being produced, or if they could find any more cancerous cell growth they they would expect. should hear something on that in a couple of days. based on those results, they will request another harvest of stem cells from the donor, who has already agreed (way to go, donor) to give again. the first pack of stem cells looked like a big ziplock back of tomato soup, so hopefully we can get a couple of helpings of that stuff this time.
On the lighter side, i've had a streak of very easy-going nurses over the last few days and that always makes things better. too bad that streak had to end today. woke up with some pain in my eyes like they were sensitive to light or something. mentioned it to the nurse, who freaked out when she saw the blood that had collected in my eyes because she had never taken care of me before today (the blood in the eye thing developed several weeks ago, nothing new) so she called for an opthamologist to visit the room just in case. fine by me, wouldn't want to take a chance with my vision anyway. so i get up and grab the laptop, as per usual, so i can catch up with my daily crap that i keep myself busy with... make a list of crap i want to watch from, fb, ft, twitter. all this unimportant stuff that is very much important to me now since it is my main means of socializing. internet is down. not cool. had a movie to watch, but figured i'd save it for later and catch up on some sleep. eyes were hurting and they were about to knock me out for transfusions anyway. wake up five or so hours later. eye pain gone, internet working, good deal. that's when transport shows up to wheel me down to the eye doc. crap. i get dressed up, gloved, glowned, masked up, and begin the death trip down to the eye doctor (death trip because the woman pushing me in my mandatory wheelchair is making me lean forward and hold tony stark (my i.v. pole) instead of locking it onto the wheelchair where it goes. as soon as i am dropped off i'm told that the doctor had to visit a patient in their room for some emergency, so i proceed to sit for an hour, sweating like the fat boy that i am in all my awesome looking germ prevention gear. after that hour passes, they start doing all these eye exam tests. why? i was here six weeks ago for this, and more importantly, there was something specifically wrong with my eyes this morning, and now its gone. i think we're okay here. next thing you know, my eyes are dilated. so much for using the laptop for the next few hours. doc finally comes back, everyone realizes that they're idiots and i'm a genius and send me back to my room where the nurse's assistant is waiting to give me some baditude because no one told her that i was off the floor when she came to take some routine vitals. really? really? so i did what any mature person would do when faced with someone else's trivial crap. i gave her the dead arm when she tried to take my blood pressure. i'm pretty sure she had broken out in a sweat by the time she wrestled that cuff around my arm. thanks alot, ma'am. see you in four hours for round two. take care.

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