Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 9

Needed a unit of blood today, so since i didn't sleep much last night, after getting premeds this morning i cranked out about a 5 hour nap. That means i'll be up all night again, but that's a good thing since its the weekend and they show a ton of movies at night on regular programming. i know, i know... how many times can a person watch "Speed" anyway? I'll watch anything. Really into the OG versions of movies on TCM right now. Pretty sure that any blockbuster over the last five years had steve mcqueen, michael caine, or charlton heston doing it first.
So we're on day 9 post-transplant and things couldn't be more uneventful, which is a good thing. still waiting for my donor cells to engraft onto into the porous parts of my bone where my marrow was expunged by my latest round of high dose chemotherapy. again, we will know when the engraftment occurs when i start producing a steady count of white and red blood cells and platelets. as i had mentioned, i'm taking these daily shots of neupogen, which catalyzes my white blood cell growth, so over the next few days my counts might start spiking, but it wouldn't be a true indication of my actual count, so i still have, at the very least, two more weeks of in-patient care before i am released to me and steph's new local residence. it's alright though. i seem to have hit my stride and the days are actually starting to clip along a pretty fast rate. hardest part at this point is just missing my boys and girls, but i keep getting pics and videos, and that has helped.
thanks for everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. i only have one request, and this goes for anyone you may know that may be going through a tough situation. While worrying is never really a positive thing, i realize that it is a natural thing to do. i have kids, and i do my fair share of pointless worrying all the time. i do not, however, tell them that i worry about them all the time. there are plenty of ways i have planned of screwing them up in the head. this is not one of them. so please, no more "we hope you're doing well! we're all so worried about you!" comments. try "we're thinking of you" or some cheesy "our hearts go out to you" comments, but a good rule of thumb is to leave the worrying to yourselves. for most of you uber-worriers its a given anyway, so no more "we're going to miss you!" lol. take care.


  1. Good thing I never tell you any of my true feelings, because I don't worry....I kind of hate you. BEAUSE, I'm jelous of how creative you are with rice combination dinners and I'm korean. You can make +1,000 meals with just white rice, ketchup, BBQ sauce, and mustard. I don't get it.

  2. i don't hate you......i love loathe you.....i don't know what that means

  3. thanks, mark. always good to know my standing with the korean nation. i admire envy you, too.
