Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Update Redundancy

Okay, so i typed the previous blog and thought that i lost it, but didn't realize blogspot autosaves, so i found it, and thus, posted it, but only after i wrote this one, and since i don't feel like just deleting, I give thee... reiterations.

Bottom line, the second transplant worked. My white count was a 5.7 today(4-11 normal), my hemoglobin seems to be rising on its own (will have to wait a bit to tell for sure) and my platelets are still down, but are usually the las thing to rebound, so i'm pretty stoked right now. There is talk of me even getting out of the hospital before the weekend. Will believe it when i see it. I keep saying this to people but its still so hard to believe that i haven't been outside of this this room (other than being wheeled to xray or ct) since june 23rd. I can't even describe how much of a mind trip that is. I have to admit that ever since they told me that i might be discharged sometime this week, time has seemed to stop. I had a pretty interesting night last night with them taking me off of some of the medications i'm on, as well as my pca (patient controlled analgesic) which i could push ever 20 minutes if i had any pain issues. evidently, i used that thing more than i thought i had because now that my body is able to fix some of the things going on, the symptoms are definitely "brighter" than before. Hopefully some of these ailments will go away soon. Still have at least two more months of outpatient therapy to endure here in Houston, but I'll take it. Steph is coming back up tomorrow in hopes that I'll be released this week. We have an apt. set up not too far from the hospital and I'm looking forward to a regular bed. Will keep you posted weekly... maybe. Oh, by the way, thanks mom, for posting a video of my kids eating ice cream and my son, Jack, asking if he could take his ice cream to the doctor to share with daddy to make him better. My heart didn't disintegrate or anything. Love you. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo!!! I'm so excited you're breaking out. As i know you are too. I really hope we can come visit once you get out. We miss you and are ready for you to come home and rejoin life...both of you! We will keep praying for "uncle wob..."
