Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 8

Sorry for no update yesterday. Just means nothing much happened. I started a regimen of Neupogen shots yesterday, which are these subcutaneous shots that i receive either in the arm or abdomen that will speed up my white cell growth, which is still bottomed out at 0, which is nothing unusual. hemoglobin is doing some weird stuff in that it has risen to 8.6 over the last couple of days. unfortunately this isn't indicative of the cells grafting, just that this number will fluctuate over the next few days. i needed platelets yesterday (was at 11) but there is a shortage of them here right now, so i didn't end up getting any yesterday, which was actually nice because it wasn't considered a top priority to give ME platelets, which means there are a bunch of people here that are way sicker than me. nice perception of things, i know, but they're at 6 today, so i'm getting premeds as we speak, fighting sleep trying to type. my back pain is also much better, and i was taken off of the pca thingy that constantly pumps pain meds, which was also nice, but i was starting to feeling nauseated around the clock. i still have the button for pain and that's a relief because i have a sore on the bottom of my tongue that is pretty unpleasant right now. mom just flew in, so we're in for a fun bus line tutorial since she is carless for the moment. okay, take care.

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